Championship Productions has pulled 40 of the best drills in its video library and assembled them into one product. This video provides numerous drills and techniques you can use to mold your athletes into productive pass rushers and run stuffers.
These drills will help your players develop the flexibility, hand movement, speed, quickness, strength, and leverage they need to plug the gaps in the run game and attack the quarterback in the passing game.
You'll see world-class instructors break down stance and start techniques, as well as innovative drills to make your athletes' first two steps quick and violent.
You'll learn a variety of ways to enhance sled work, as well as gain ideas on how to utilize shoots and agility bags. Train your players to create leverage and separation from the offensive line enabling them to get into space consistently and make more plays.
This video contains everything a defensive line coach needs to kick their unit up a notch. With drills and tips appropriate for all levels, there's not a more complete product on the market. Improve your team today!
104 minutes. 2015.